BCA -1

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Modal Questions/ Question Bank for BCA Sem-1 Paper MJ-01 (C Programming) provided by Subodh Kumar (subodhkrmail@gmail.com): 

**Updated for 2023-27 session

1.    What is C programming? [BCA-2016,2018,2019]

2.    What are the features or characteristics of C? [BCA-2016,2018]

3.    Why C is called a Mid-level programming language? [BCA-2016,2019]

4.    Explain a brief history of C.

5.    Explain the general structure of C. [BCA-2016,2018,2019]

6.    Explain how can we execute a C program? [BCA-2016,2018,2019]

7.    What are the comments in c.

8.    What is a token? Explain different types of C tokens. [BCA  2018,2019]

9.    Explain the term variable and constants. Explain the types of constants. [BCA  2017,2019]

10. Explain escape sequence characters. [BCA  2016,2018,2019]

11. What is Data Type? Explain various data types in C. [BCA-2016,2018.2019]

12. What is an Operator? Explain various operators in C. [BCA-2016,2018,2019]

13. Explain different types of input/output functions with syntax.[BCA-2016,2018,2019]

14. Explain different types of Flow control or Control structure or statements in C. [BCA-2016,2019]

15. Explain Decision Making or Control Statement.  [BCA  2018] Explain difference between if-else and switch case statement.

16. Compare if-else with the ternary operator. [BCA  2017]

17. What is Loop? Explain all types of loops in C with an example. [BCA-2016,2017,2018]

18. Explain the difference between entry-controlled and exit-controlled loops with a suitable example. [BCA 2019]

19. What are jump statements? Explain. [BCA-2016,2017,2018]

20. Write a program to check whether a number is perfect or not. [BCA-2018,2019]

21. Write a program to check whether a number is prime or not. [BCA  2016,2017]

22. Write a program to find the factorial of a number.[BCA 2019]

23. What is an Array? How is it different from an ordinary variable? Discuss rules to declare a one-dimensional array. [BCA-2016]

24. What do you mean by an Array? What are the different types of Array? Explain the merits and demerits of array.[BCA 2018, BCA MJ-1 2022]

25. What is a two-dimensional array? How it is different from a one-dimensional array? Give Syntax. [BCA 2019]

26. Write a program to find the sum of left and right diagonal elements of a square matrix/2D array.[BCA 2016,2018]

27. Write a program to find the transpose of a square matrix of 3x3 order. [BCA 2019]

28. What is a string? Explain all types of string functions with examples.[BCA  2016,2017,2018]

29. Write a program to check whether a string is Palindrome. [BCA  2018]

30. Write a program to check vowels, Consonants and white spaces in a given text/string. [BCA  2016,2017]

31. Explain various functions used for reading and writing strings.

32. Write a program to find the length of a string.[BCA 2019]

33. Write a program to compare two strings.

34. What is function? Explain the difference between user-defined and library (built-in) functions. [BCA  2018, BCA MJ-1 2022]

35. What is function? Explain at least two categories of function with examples. [BCA 2019]

36. What is a recursion/recursive function [BCA 2019, BCA MJ-1 2022]? Write a program to find the factorial of a number using function recursion. [BCA  2016,2018]

37. Explain /Differentiate call by value and call reference with an example. [BCA  2016,2018,2019, MJ-1 2022]

38. Explain the Scope, Visibility and Lifetime of a variable.[BCA 2019]

39. What is a pointer? How are they declared and initialized? [BCA MJ-1 2022] Write a program to check prime numbers using a pointer. [BCA  2018,2019]

40. What is a pointer? What are its uses? Write a program to find the factorial of a number using a pointer. [BCA  2016]

41. Explain the array of pointers. [BCA  2016]

42. Write a program to create the structure of a student having fields Roll, name, and Marks. Input records and display them. [BCA  2016,2018]

43. What is a union? How is it different from structure? [BCA  2016,2018,2019]

44. How the structure is different from an array? Explain the terms ‘Array of Structure’  and ‘Nesting of structure’ with examples. [BCA 2019]

45. Explain preprocessor directives. When do we use #define and #include? [BCA  2016,2017]

46. Explain Macros. [BCA  2016]

47. Explain file handling functions. [BCA  2016,2018,2019]

48. Explain Dynamic Memory Allocation. [BCA MJ-1 2022]

49. Explain Storage classes. (static, extern, auto, register). [BCA MJ-1 2022]

50. Write a program to display the Fibonacci series. [ BCA MJ-1 2022]

FYUGP 2022

Question Paper-1st Semester Year 2022 (2022-26) of Kolhan University, Chaibasa

Paper  Code: MJ-1 (2022)  Computer Application (BCA)      

Paper Name: C Programming Language

Paper  Code: MN-1A (2022)  Computer Application (BCA)      

Paper Name: Introduction to Computer Science

Paper  Code: MJ-1 (2022)  Information Technology (B.Sc. IT)       

Paper Name: C Programming Language

Paper  Code: MN-1A (2022)  Information Technology (B.Sc. IT)      

Paper Name: Fundamentals of Information Technology

Paper  Code: MDC-1 (2022)       Paper Name: Statistics

Paper  Code: SEC-1 (2022)       Paper Name: Digital Education

Paper  Code: AEC-1 (2022)       Paper Name: Hindi Communication

Paper  Code: VAC-1 (2022)       Paper Name: Understanding India

Paper  Code: VAC-1 (2022)       Paper Name: Yoga

Question Papers are available here for Session -
2020        2019        2018        2017        2016

Question Paper-BCA-1st Semester Year 2020 (2020-23) of Kolhan University, Chaibasa

Provided by Subodh Kumar (subodhkrmail@gmail.com), Asst. Prof. , BCA Dept., Jamshedpur Co-operative College, Jamshedpur

Paper  Code: BCA 101 (2020)            Paper Name: Mathematics

Paper  Code: BCA 102  (2020)              Paper Name: Introduction to Computer Science


Paper  Code: BCA 103 (2020)            Paper Name: C Programming

Paper  Code: BCA 104  (2020)                Paper Name: Communication Skills / Technical English

Question Paper-BCA-1st Semester Year 2019 of Kolhan University, Chaibasa

Provided by Subodh Kumar (subodhkrmail@gmail.com), Asst. Prof. , BCA Dept., Jamshedpur Co-operative College, Jamshedpur

Paper  Code: BCA 101 (2019)            Paper Name: Mathematics

Paper  Code: BCA 102  (2019)              Paper Name: Introduction to Computer Science

Paper  Code: BCA 103 (2019)            Paper Name: C Programming

Paper  Code: BCA 104  (2019)                Paper Name: Communication Skills / Technical English

Question Paper-BCA-1st Semester Year 2018 of Kolhan University, Chaibasa

Provided by Subodh Kumar (subodhkrmail@gmail.com), Asst. Prof. , BCA Dept., Jamshedpur Co-operative College, Jamshedpur

Paper  Code: BCA 101 (2018)            Paper Name: Mathematics

Paper  Code: BCA 102  (2018)              Paper Name: Introduction to Computer Science

Paper  Code: BCA 103 (2018)            Paper Name: C Programming

Paper  Code: BCA 104  (2018)                Paper Name: Communication Skills / Technical English

Question Paper-BCA-1st Semester Year 2017 of Kolhan University, Chaibasa

Provided by Subodh Kumar (subodhkrmail@gmail.com), Asst. Prof. , BCA Dept., Jamshedpur  Co-operative College, Jamshedpur

Paper  Code: BCA 103 (2017)            Paper Name: C Programming

Question Paper-BCA-1st Semester Year 2016 of Kolhan University, Chaibasa

Provided by Subodh Kumar (subodhkrmail@gmail.com), Asst. Prof. , BCA Dept., Jamshedpur  Co-operative College, Jamshedpur

Paper  Code: BCA 101 (2016)              Paper Name: Mathematics

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Paper  Code: BCA 102  (2016)              Paper Name: Introduction to Computer Science

Paper  Code: BCA 103 (2016)            Paper Name: C Programming

Paper  Code: BCA 104  (2016)                Paper Name: Communication Skills / Technical English